Getting the app
Addressees: Everybody who desires to know Romance languages
You would like to develop reading competency in the four most important Romance languages? (This is the condition for developing listening comprehension, writing and speaking skills.) Then you should benefit from this app.
In 9550 series it comprises the 5000 most frequent words of each of French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish in combination with their German and English equivalents. By only reading series like activité-attività-actividade-BLANK for Spanish (you easily will find actividad), Aktivität–activity, you will link your knowledge about the words you already know to the word you are going to learn. You can fill in the blank or you can simply click on it, the targeted word will appear automatically. In the case of typing a form not expected by the app, it’s reaction will be the same.
The app registers your activities. So you can interrupt and restart your learning sessions whenever you want. The program will always provide new tasks and re-present the items which had not been ‘successfully’ completed. How many tasks will be presented during one session, remains your decision.
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There is no better way to acquire plurilingual reading competency.
All downloads are free of charge.